Becoming a toddler is one of the biggest changes your child will undergo after his first year. Big advancements will come his way and so, you should be on the lookout for your child's milestones. Now, as a parent, you need to understand that these milestones do not follow a specific timeline in which they will appear.

Here are some the milestones your child may exhibit during his toddler years:
From 12 Months
- stands up alone
- says his first word
- responds to certain requests like "sit"
- prefers certain toys and books
From 13 Months
- stands alone
- uses two words fluently, like "hi" and "bye"
- walks with support (with one hand held)
- says 2-3 words
- bends over to pick up toys or objects
From 14 Months
- matches objects in pairs (like pots and pans with their lids)
- knows to point to a certain body part
- pulls and pushes toys while playing or walking
From 15 Months
- says up to 5 words
- identifies names of body parts
- is able to walk backwards
- kneels
- plays with ball
From 16 months
- increases vocabulary to around 10 words
- likes climbing very much
- starts to get finicky about food
- takes shorter naps
- enter another room to get stuff or toys
- exhibits tantrums when frustrated
From 17 months
- enjoys dancing to music
- likes to play pretend games
- arranges toys and objects by shape, color, or size
- likes riding toys
From 18 Months
- identifies the names of some animals
- plays with bricks, and other stack toys
- walks upstairs
- increases vocabulary to around 50 words
- joins two words to form a sentence
- imitates actions
- enjoys observing other people
From 2 Years
- talks a lot
- starts to tell a lot of stories
- opens doors
- sings his favorite song
- helps when you dress him
- is able to identify some colors
From 2.5 Years
- enjoys jumping
- counts to ten
- throws and catches a ball
- rides a bicycle with training wheels support
- starts to ask questions
- answers the phone and talks to the person on the other line
From 3 Years
- uses potty chair
- draws a straight line and copies a circle
- loves to doodle and draw shapes
- stands on tiptoes
- feeds himself with spoon and fork
- dresses and undresses self (except for buttons)
- can concentrate on a task for 8-10 minutes
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